
Professional Animated Videos

Animated videos are a great way to capture someone’s attention, keep them interested, and leave a lasting impression. Videos are a proven asset to marketing your services or products. Get a professional animated video to add to YouTube, your social media, and your website.

Video Backgrounds and Slideshows

Another great way to add some snazz to your site is a video background or a video slideshow with animated text overlay. One thing to keep in mind though, is it will add a little load time to your site, and you should replace the video with a static image on a mobile. So if speed is important, you may not want to add a video background.

Did you Know?

video marketing girl by chalkboard
  1. Videos can be processed 60,000 times faster than interpreting text
  2. Companies that use videos in their marketing enjoy 27% higher CTR and 34% higher web conversion rates than those which don’t
  3. 73% of B2B marketers say that video positively impacts marketing ROI
  4. Users are 39% more likely to share a video then text
  5. Video will grow to more than 80 percent of all consumer internet traffic by 2020 (CISCO)
  6. 90% of customers report that videos help them make decisions on purchasing
  7. 80% of users can recall a video that they’ve seen in the last 30 days
  8. If you add video to your email you’ll increase your click-through rate 200-300%
  9. Real estate listings that include a video receive 4 times more inquiries than those without
  10. Searches related to “how to” on YouTube grew 70% in just one year (Google)
  11. YouTube has over a billion users, almost one-third of all people on the internet (YouTube)

Email us or give us a call today phone icon 813-818-0682 with any questions or to get started.

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